Our Response to Covid-19
The Covid-19 global pandemic has changed our lives forever and our residents are some of the most vulnerable people to Covid-19. In response, Solemar and our entire staff have taken every precaution in order to ensure the health and wellbeing of our residents.
Every member of staff has been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 and are tested for the virus on a regular basis. In addition, all of our residents are also vaccinated against Covid-19 to help protect them from the virus.
Due to the current outbreak of Covid-19 and the Omicron variant in NZ, only whanau/families/friends that are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 may enter the care home and visit our residents. Therefore only fully vaccinated people are ever in the home.
Increased Cleanings
While our cleaning schedule was comprehensive before the global pandemic we’ve stepped it up even further and increased the frequency and time of our cleanings.
There are comprehensive disinfections and cleanings of the facility every hour to insure that no pathogens are able to compromise the health of our residents.
In addition all visitors must use alcohol gel based sanitiser for hand hygiene before they enter into our residents rooms.
Full PPE for all staff and visitors at all times
We’ve secured comprehensive Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for our staff and visitors to minimise the risk to our residents from Covid-19. Our staff wear full PPE during the entirety of their shift inside the care home and all people entering our care home have their temperature checked.
Visits during this time are all contactless (no touching, hugging or kissing) in order to further reduce the risk to our residents.
Furthermore, we’ve decreased the number of visits permitted and also allotted 30 minutes after each visit to thoroughly disinfect and clean the home so that the risk of any transmission is lowered even further.
Covid-19 Visiting Procedures
In order to protect the health and wellbeing of our residents only whanau/families/friends that are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 are able to visit residents at the care home. If you would like to visit a resident please review the procedures below.
Make a booking online (click the button below) or call Solemar to make an appointment with our Diversional Therapist or any Registered Nurse.
Once your appointment has been confirmed, via phone or email, we encourage families to come on time as we need to limit the exposure time and risk of one family to the next, around the care home.
Please prepare your Vaccine Pass to be scanned, or bring your hard copy before you come to the care home.
When you arrive please ring the door bell and wait for a staff member.
You must scan the contact tracing app.
Full Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) will be provided and all PPE must be worn at all times within the care home.
We will check your temperature and you must use the alcohol gel for hand hygiene before entering the resident’s room.
Please follow our staff’s instructions on the details of your visit. This includes but is not limited to the following (these procedures may change as we get medical consultation from the Ministry of Health)
- A staff member will escort you to the room.
- When entering the resident’s room you must maintain a minimum distance of 1 metre away from the resident. There are markings on the floor to guide you.
- All visits are contactless so unfortunately, no touching, hugging or kissing allowed.
- The duration of the visit can only last up to 30 minutes. We need to be strict on the timing of visits to ensure we have enough time to comprehensively clean the care home before the next family.Once you have concluded your visit, please ring the call bell or phone the facility and our staff will escort you to the nearest exit.